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Chalet Alpenrose - Bio Wellness Hotel

Trentino Ski Sunrise

Reopening 01/07/20

Trentino Ski Sunrise

The first lights of dawn, the fizzy air, the candid snow of the Dolomites, a tasty breakfast.

Do you want to be the first to leave a trace on the ski slopes of the Pejo 3000 Ski Area still perfectly intact? Then take part in the weekend dedicated to the breathtaking number 1 event for the world of skiing - the Skisunrise in Val di Pejo. At the first light of dawn, when the air is still sparkling and the immaculate snow launched on skis in an unspoiled landscape! After the first descent, a tasty breakfast awaits you at the refuge.

The services included made in Alpenrose for your weekend on the snow ...
... close your eyes and dream:

  • rich breakfast buffet with Bio & Vital products
  • every afternoon from 14:00 to 17:00 afternoon snacks with homemade cakes and mountain herbal teas
    in the evening Tasting menu starting at 19:00 with the Km 0 delicacies of our Chef Titian and on request vegetarian and gluten free menus served at our Sissi Stube
  • Free access to our "Tyroler Welten" Spa
  • "Wellness Taschl" for the duration of the stay with soft bathrobes, bath towels and slippers (included only for stays in the Suite)
  • FRIDAY: Ready, departure, viaaaaa! The alarm goes off at dawn and the show of the #Trentinoskisunrise in Val di Pejo begins! A unique opportunity awaits you to enjoy the sunrise between the peaks of the Val di Pejo, the breathtaking spectacle of the awakening of nature in the heart of the Stelvio National Park and a breathtaking 8 km long descent on the "Val della Mite" ski slope still immaculate and perfectly beaten! If you wish, you can also opt for a quiet snowshoeing in the Stelvio National Park, accompanied by an Alpine Guide to discover deer and roe deer who at breakfast at the first light of dawn (extra from 22 € to 40 €)
  • SATURDAY: guided snowshoe hike in the Stelvio National Park "made in Alpenrose"
  • Saturday evening Sissi dinner with live Musik at our Sissi Stube
  • Snowshoe equipment rental directly at the hotel
  • Skibus transfer on the slopes of the Skiarea Pejo 3000 and the Brenta Dolomites

Alpenrose Tirolese up to € 220,00 per person from a minimum stay of 4 nights

29.02 al 08.03.2020

offer not combinable with other offers or other vouchers / vouchers
The tourist tax of € 1.50 per person per day from the age of 14 is not included in the offer price;

Alpenrose holiday offers

Dove siamo

Chalet Alpenrose Bio Wellness Naturhotel
Via Malgamare - 38024 Cogolo di Pejo ( TN )
Loc. Masi Guilnova
Tel. +39 0463 754088
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