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Chalet Alpenrose - Bio Wellness Hotel

Each room is a treasure to discover!

Reopening 01/07/20

Each room is a treasure to discover!

In our Chalet Alpenrose - surrounded by meadows, woods and the Ortles-Cevedale mountains - 19 rooms await you, each with its own story to tell. Ten rooms in the main house, the Chalet Alpenrose and nine rooms in the annex, the Chalet Bionatur. It doesn't matter whether category you choose, the one with a view on the mountains or the one that will make you relive the adventures of two young lovers, as soon as you cross the threshold, a happy ending is guaranteed.

Bio Melissa Royal suite

Up to € 105, - per person per day

Duis sed quam porta, lacinia tellus vitae, vestibulum nisi. Suspendisse rhoncus dui non commodo congue. Sed eleifend tortor eu nulla egestas, nec blandit lacus faucibus. Donec faucibus felis ac nisl viverra, id ultrices sapien posuere. Curabitur arcu nulla, scelerisque rutrum lorem quis, pharetra tempus justo. Aliquam mollis ac lectus eget maximus.

Bio Achillea Junior Suite

Up to € 98,- per person and day

Fusce ex mi, pulvinar in condimentum id, eleifend quis diam. Aenean laoreet massa a dolor faucibus fringilla id et le

Bio Schmuckkastl

Up to € 92,- per person and day

Quam odio fringilla odio, ac interdum enim nisi ut sem. Nam non iaculis nibh

Alpen rose Tiroleset

Up to € 86,- per person and day

Donec ante turpis, dapibus id scelerisque id, scelerisque sit amet nisl.

Alpen Rose Romantic

Up to € 80,- per person and day

Nunc non ipsum consequat, consequat elit at, blandit risus. Maecenas id fringilla ante

Alpenrose holiday offers

Dove siamo

Chalet Alpenrose Bio Wellness Naturhotel
Via Malgamare - 38024 Cogolo di Pejo ( TN )
Loc. Masi Guilnova
Tel. +39 0463 754088
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