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Reopening 01/07/20

Welcome to Chalet Alpenrose

An authentic place in the Trentino Alps where you can feel pampered and safe.
At Chalet Alpenrose we embrace the love for nature, we are located at 1280 meters, between larch and fir woods, the sky is postcard blue and the water is pure and free of pollution.
We are in the heart of the Stelvio National Park in Val di Pejo.
You can't find the swimming pool here, if you want to take a nice swim we suggest an Alpine lake. The gym is accessible all year round and is located outside, on the Alpine trails, and is completely free. In the rooms you will find the wood of the Trentino forest and Wi-fi is not important to us. There are no employees, we call them family members, there are no long faces, here you can find smiles.
In our home, in our family there is a passion for authentic things, we try to give them to you every day.

For the environment

Dossi Family

Time passes more slowly at Chalet Alpenrose. This is a place of natural silence. A place where body, mind and soul are in harmony. The people here have their hearts in the right place too. They know the important things in life, appreciate respectful and loving interaction with others and show consideration for the nature that surrounds us.


Questo siamo noi

Questo modo di vivere consapevole consente una visione diversa del mondo e permette di mantenere una certa distanza dalla frenetica vita quotidiana. Fai un viaggio di scoperta con noi e apprezza di nuovo le cose belle della vita: il tuo partner, la famiglia, gli amici, la salute e te stesso.

Tiziano, Martina & Stefanie Dossi

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Each room is a treasure to discover!


Moutain hut Holidays in Val di Sole



Bio Natur Holiday Experience

La vacanza in Val di Sole nel nostro hotel a Cogolo di Pejo è sinonimo di esperienza autentica, un soggiorno in montagna in Trentino Alto Adige tra i colori della natura, paesaggi mozzafiato, profumi essenziali, emozioni naturali... Stimola te stesso con la forza dei 5 elementi!
Vivi le tue emozioni nel modo più autentico possibile nel nostro Bio Chalet in Trentino!

icon-water.svgAcqua - Benessere in movimento

A barefoot walk on our wellness trails, a session in the sauna surrounded by the heady scent of Swiss pine, an immersion in the torrent of alpine water that flows in front of the Chalet Alpenrose or a biological treatment with sheep's wool are our rituals of health for an exclusive Bio Wellness experience.

icon-air.svgAria - Escursioni

A barefoot walk on our wellness trails, a session in the sauna surrounded by the heady scent of Swiss pine, an immersion in the torrent of alpine water that flows in front of the Chalet Alpenrose or a biological treatment with sheep's wool are our rituals of health for an exclusive Bio Wellness experience.

icon-terra.svgTerra - Storia di una vita tutto l'anno

Experiences, walks and sports in Val di Sole not to be missed to discover and experience Trentino, throughout the year, in the most natural, conscious and fun way!What counts in nature is not the goal but rather being on the way.

icon-yoga.svgEtere - Yoga

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Alpenrose holiday offers

Il blog del Alpenrose

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5 Gründe für Yoga im Urlaub

so kann dir Yoga auf Reisen helfen!

Gesund und fit zu bleiben durch Yoga, eine wunderbare Möglichkeit auch im Urlaub

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Eco-friendly green hotel Trentino

The truth you should know

Chalet Alpenrose in Val di Sole genuinely believe in being an eco friendly green hotel

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Il bramito del Cervo nel Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio

da settembre a ottobre

Sulle tracce del cervo allo Chalet Alpenrose

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Dove siamo

Chalet Alpenrose Bio Wellness Naturhotel
Via Malgamare - 38024 Cogolo di Pejo ( TN )
Loc. Masi Guilnova
Tel. +39 0463 754088
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